The child fell and hit the ground. The child had an accident and hit his head. It can happen both when children In the eyes of adults and when no one else sees This makes it difficult for parents to tell the severity of the injury. Most of the time, the injuries are not serious. You may only have a slight bruise. But sometimes the injuries are severe and can be life-threatening. Therefore, if children If you have an accident with your head, parents should take you to see a doctor.

When should a child be taken to the hospital immediately?
- The child has had a rather serious accident, such as falling from a height or being involved in a traffic accident.
- After an incident, a child passes out (loses consciousness), does not wake up, or has a seizure.
- The child is very sick after the incident, such as being extremely depressed, vomiting more than 5 times, or having neurological symptoms such as blurred vision, slurred speech, distorted face, or weak limbs.
- If the child has severe symptoms or gets worse quickly , call 1669 or go to a nearby hospital immediately.
What is a head injury called “Concussion Syndrome” when the head is hit?
Dr. Nantasiri Wittayanakorn, pediatric brain and nervous system surgeon at Samitivej Srinakarin ทางเข้า ufabet Hospital, stated that Concussion Syndrome is a group of symptoms of brain damage. which causes abnormal operation These symptoms are generally temporary. And most will recover within 6 weeks, but if symptoms appear For longer than that, you will have to return to see a doctor.
The child fell and hit the ground. You should watch for symptoms of Concussion Syndrome because the brain may have been damaged.
This group of symptoms includes
- Mood changes, confusion, irritability, irritability, or unusual demands.
- Not being yourself Unable to tolerate various stimuli such as crowded places or loud noises.
- Not sleeping well, having panic attacks or having nightmares.
- Having problems with memory, learning, thinking slowly, acting slowly and not being able to concentrate
- mild headache Rest or take paracetamol and it will go away on its own.
- Vision is not normal Speaks unclearly or has trouble thinking of words
- Mild vomiting, such as 1-2 times per day, usually when tired or with a headache
Pediatric patients with head injuries may experience Cognitive Fatigue as a result.
Cognitive Fatigue is a symptom that occurs after a head injury. It is caused by the brain not yet returning to normal. Makes you have to work very hard. in order to be able to perform normal duties causing fatigue quickly and unable to live daily life as before or having problems with many activities, such as studying Playing computer games or watching TV, meeting for long periods of time This problem, if you get enough rest, can go away on its own. A small percentage of you will have to come back for treatment later.
Symptoms that should bring the child back to the hospital again After monitoring symptoms for 72 hours
If the children come to see the doctor and are allowed to go home Parents must continue to closely monitor their child’s symptoms at home. according to the period recommended by the doctor Most of which will not last more than 72 hours after the incident. But if the children get worse or have the following symptoms: Should be taken back to the hospital immediately.
- The headache is much worse.
- Drowsy, difficult to wake up
- Vomiting more or vomiting more than 5 times in a row
- Have a seizure
- Blurred vision or double vision
- Staggering, weak limbs, bumping into things or being unusually clumsy.
- Mood changes, aggressiveness, or sadness and confusion Not being myself
- Unable to tolerate various stimuli such as crowded places or loud noises.
- Problems with memory, learning, and concentration
- There are symptoms of Cognitive fatigue that are so severe that one cannot live a normal life. Cognitive fatigue is a symptom that occurs after a head injury. It is caused by the brain not yet returning to normal.
When should children Go back to school or play sports.
The best treatment for a head injury It is recommended to get enough rest.
- Refrain from going to school until your symptoms improve. Doctors usually recommend a break of no more than 1-2 weeks. Returning to school for the first time is recommended for only half a day. Ask the teacher to observe symptoms. If the child is unable to do so, it is recommended that they stay in the nurse’s room. or take them back to stay at home If there are no problems, you can return to full-day school, but refrain from physical education or outdoor activities until 6 weeks have passed.
- Refrain from playing contact sports or activities that have a risk of re-injury, such as climbing high places. Playing on a trampoline, riding a bike or motorcycle or leaving children alone on high places, etc., for at least 6 weeks. If the child is well or returns to normal quickly, it may be given Do light, non-contact exercise such as jogging, walking in the park, and dancing starting at 4 weeks after the injury.
- Doing activities that involve speed, such as riding a bicycle, riding a motorcycle, surfing, should wear a helmet. or protection That’s appropriate every time.
- Using or playing with electronic devices Time should be limited to no more than 30 minutes at a time and no more than 2 hours per day to help the brain rest for 1-2 weeks after the accident.
- Recommended activities during the recovery period are reading books and listening to soft music. and get enough sleep
- If the child has an appointment, come back and see the doctor. Even though the child has recovered You should come according to your appointment.